The news headlines are damning. Polls show that most of America, including Democrats, don’t feel they can trust Hillary. Pundits debate over her emails, her public persona, and Benghazi. We know we can’t trust her, yet some liberals are drawn to her and have rallied behind her through the scandals. She has the potential to be the first woman president, but we shouldn’t vote for someone just to change the face of history.
Hillary makes promises, so many that we have heard before. Things can change in this country. The economy can thrive again. Women will have equal rights and equal wages once and for all, shattering the glass ceiling. We’ll tax the rich, and give to the poor, like a modern day Robin Hood. Hillary spins a fantasy that sounds so good it hypnotizes liberals, even those who have a nagging feeling that she cannot be trusted, especially as the leader of the Free World.
At the first Democratic debate, when posed with a question about Hillary’s emails, Bernie Sanders exclaimed that “America is sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!” He was met with raucous applause and a nod of approval from Hillary.
I get his angle, but American should care about Hillary’s emails. Sure, we hear about it a lot, but for good reason. She secretly set up a private email server and exchanged classified information. Not only is it sneaky, it is dangerous. That email could easily be hacked by terrorists and enemies of the U.S. since it isn’t protected by the government’s security. The FBI continues investigating, which should be a sign that it isn’t just a political attack. This is on top of the Benghazi scandal in which she is a key player.
Let’s even put aside the current scandals she is a part of. What about her continuously contradicting views and stances? It was only in 2008 during her bid for president that Hillary went on record saying that marriage is between a man and a women, and that sanctity should not be messed with. Now Hillary is ecstatic that gay marriage is legal and is an ally to the LGBT community. 2008 Hillary was a supporter of the Second Amendment, and now she is pushing for gun control. 2008 Hillary was a supporter of the Iraq war, and she was opposed to issuing driver’s licenses to immigrants. 2015 Hillary is a friend to immigrants.
How can we trust someone who can so quickly change their mind about the most important issues facing our country? Will she change her mind again? There’s no way for us to know.